Personal Branding in Lisbon Reinvent Yourself

To Adapt Yourself or to Reinvent Yourself? That´s the Question!

Recently I was talking with a friend of mine who was telling me about how she is struggling in her life and that she felt that she has been adapting herself all her life. I kept thinking about what she said and although, especially in these times, it´s important to adapt ourselves to new realities and challenges, I rather speak of trying to reinvent ourselves. For most of us these are difficult times and a…

Theory U for Societal Change: A powerful tool to change yourself and society as a whole – Part 3

In my last two articles you could read about how the Ulab at Iseg started, what the principles of the Theory U are, how we applied the methodology to our project at Iseg (Lisbon School of Economics & Management) regarding bringing innovation in the higher education and some personal learning points. In this article I will share some more insights I gained through the Theory U course and experience during the last 6 months in…

Reinvent Yourself - Teory Societal Change - Comunicação Eficaz Lisboa

Theory U for Societal Change: A powerful Tool to change Yourself and Society as a Whole – Part 1

‘You have to let go, to let something new start’. With this simple but powerful message the celebration session of the Slab – held last June – ended, in which about 300 teams all over the globe participated. Before explaining what the Slab is about, in this article I will describe how the Ulab at Iseg started, the principles of the Theory U and what impact the whole process had on a personal level. In…